Why specialize.
It's not the languages. Even though the languages are different, it
is not too much of a problem for a good engineer to pickup a new language and be
up to speed in days. The problem is all the tools surrounding the language
take time to learn. Tools like Visual Studio, Internet Information Server,
Source Control, etc., take significant time to learn and really understand.
Most of the languages today are converging and becoming more and more similar.
Microsoft C# and Java are almost identical in syntax, yet they use completely
different development environments and deployment models.
Microsoft ASP.NET
We are not claiming ASP.NET is the final word in web development. We do think it
is the best all around in performance, value, speed of development, future
growth, and stabally backed by Microsoft.
Web based backend apps.
Most of our projects are based around web based backoffice type systems.
HelpDesk, Accounting, Inventory, Medical Office Management Systems, Intranets,
Web Portals all have a similar theme and style. In comparison to Windows
Services, Windows Exe Apps, Real-time Apps, etc.